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The new direction in security and investigation training

Australian Institute for Security & Investigation Training (AISIT)

The Australian Institute for Security and Investigation Training is a newly formed Australian company owned and operated by former NSW Police Force Commissioner Ken Moroney and former NSW Police Force Detective Sergeant Peter Moroney. The company provides specialist training and education in the areas of security, investigation, surveillance, risk and interviewing to name a few.

As a new company AISIT had no established digital presence and were seeking a raft of products to place them on the Internet landscape. Web Merlin assisted in finalising a website design that allowed AISIT to showcase their courses, training staff and other company offerings. The website is viewable across desktop, phone and tablet devices provides visual impact and concise information to target customer focused needs.

Web Merlin has also completed numerous other projects with AISIT from the design and development of business cards, large free standing pull up advertising banners, company brochures and tender proposals to name a few.

AISIT also required a social media presence so Web Merlin was able to secure a business Facebook page with custom web address (further exposing the company to customer Internet searches). The page was then configured with company representatives as editors and administrators so that content could be published and managed.

Lastly Web Merlin provides AISIT with custom domain name purchasing and website hosting to ensure all services are efficient, professional and easily maintained.

AISIT Featured Image - Web Merlin Website Design

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